
Welcome to the GCLA

The purpose and objective of Gateway Civil Liberties Alliance, is to preserve and protect the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America.

If you are an individual who is tired of seeing our constitutional rights trampled upon, it’s time to join an organization dedicated to the preservation of the Bill of Rights as originally intended by our founding fathers.

We hope you will find the information and links in this site helpful in preserving your right to protect yourself. Be sure to check out our newsletter for the latest news about the GCLA and gun rights.

Our next monthly meeting is scheduled for

Thursday, February 6, 2025, 7:00 pm

President’s Corner

Steve Marx

The season is changing and day light is getting shorter.  Hunting season is upon us.  Missouri Department of Conservation has a fine system of outdoor shooting ranges.  In my opinion the Missouri Department of conservation is at the top for promoting shooting activity.  I stopped at Henges range on a Sunday to burn a few rounds to maintain my skill level.  The new availability of ammunition should help your desire to start getting out and back to the range.

The GCLA has been inviting prominent Missouri Representatives and Senators to speak at our members’ meetings.  GCLA members have had positive contact with these elected officials through special events and fund raisers.  If you can join in these events please contact a GCLA Board Member for information.

The elected people have made themselves accessible to the GCLA because of our efforts to elect good people that are protecting our Second Amendment rights here in Missouri.

GCLA needs all of our members to promote our gun drawings.  These drawings are our way of building up the GCLA PAC fund to support the good guys in Missouri in their election campaigns.  That also includes the 50/50 drawing at the monthly members’ meeting with the proceeds going to the GCLA PAC.

2022 elections are going to be very big in Missouri.  Many hands in helping makes it a lot easier.

Hope to see you at future members meetings.

Have fun! Get active!
Steve Marx

President, GCLA

GCLA’s Purpose

GCLA’s purpose is to preserve and protect the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America by:

  • Monitoring and acting on pending legislation at the local, state, and federal level.
  • Encouraging voter registration and participation in the political process.
  • Promoting public and personal safety, education and training, and the defense of the nation.
  • GCLA holds a monthly members’ meeting which often features a guest speaker, the fielding of open questions, sharing of news and information, and intelligent discussion.

NRA-ILA Recognizes GCLA’s Efforts

Our NRA-ILA Campaign Field Representative demonstrated our unique dedication to the mission of NRA-ILA in advocating for pro-Second Amendment candidates for office. Our CFR, Chris Brown, recommended that the GCLA  be specifically recognized for our efforts in Missouri. As a small token of their appreciation, NRA-ILA recognized us with a letter (view letter) and certificate recognizing our outstanding efforts. (view certificate)

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